A Crit Series with City-Based Teams? Good idea. It’s been done.

National Cycle League Boston Banshees 1995
Meet the NCL To many American bike racers, it seems like a natural fit.  A criterium bike racing series based in cities.  Crits are short, fast, entertaining, and over quickly; good for the short attention spans of American sports fans.  There have been various city-based criterium series in the US over the years, as recently as the 2021 USA Crits series, and  dating back to at least the Whea
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3 thoughts on “A Crit Series with City-Based Teams? Good idea. It’s been done.”

  1. The image at the top is of the Boston Banshees in 1995.

    “bostonbanshees1995” by JayEssEmm is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

    Management is Lyle and Sarah Fulkerson.
    The team shown is:

    Front (L-R): John Lieswyn, Jonathan Page, Bart Knaggs, Chris Washkevich.

    Back (L-R): Peter Vollers, Shawn McCormack, Frank McCormack, Mark McCormack, Chris Hayes.

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