Garbage Bags Might or Might Not Save You From Open Water

Racing the Iditasport on Big Lake Alaska

This originally appeared in 1994, after riding the Iditasport in February, 1993.  I’m posting it now to honor the event, set to take place this weekend, but was cancelled due to the pandemic.  It’s expected […]


Winter Ride With clouds and sun

I have mixed feelings about goals.  They’re necessary, but can’t be fixated upon. Martin Buber would probably have said that a goal is like mistaking the finger pointing to God as God. Goals, while seemingly […]

The Gift of Warm Pants

warm insulated pants.

Once I got into bike riding, Christmas became when winter cycling gear was gifted my way. A mixed-blessing of having a passion known by others is people often only think of that passion when it […]

Sloppy Season

Street after snowstorm, Harlem, New York City.

Looking out the window and seeing roads covered or edged with snow and ice is an increasingly rare phenomenon. The snow we just had was a bigger dump than anything in nearly two years. As […]

The Winter Bike is Ready to Roll.

When I first started working at a bike shop, the more serious racers I toiled alongside had winter bikes.  That is, they had a bicycle they just used in winter months.  It wasn’t as nice […]