The Confession Koan: a riddle, a puzzle, a soap opera

So Lance confessed. Only not officially. At least probably not yet. Do we need more? Only Lance’s most fevered core believed he was innocent, and that group is probably so small that they number fewer […]

The Un-Redacted: Other-7

Rick Crawford outed himself the other day.  If anyone bothered to read Levi Leipheimer’s affidavit and knew who Crawford was, the admission was unnecessary.  In some respects, it’s puzzling that he took so long to step […]

A Compendium of Armstrong and Related Doping Stories

Give it up to for assembling all the links and setting them up on a timeline.  

History Disappeared

As of this moment, Amaury Sport Organization, parent company of the Tour de France, has scrubbed the years 1999-2005 from their “history” pages of the Tour de France. I guess it’s the easiest course of […]

Mea Culpa

Mea culpa. I was certainly trying to capitalize on Lance Armstrong’s popularity when I pitched a book idea on the Tour de France to major publishers in the early aughts. I wanted to do a […]


  Mass-produced carbon-fiber frames are the polar opposite of the hand made steel bespoke world. With one you know everything about what goes into the finished product, with the other, you know nothing. The opacity […]