Handmade Bikes @NAHBS this weekend

After critiquing it from afar five  years ago, I’m finally going to see it in person this Friday.

The North American Handmade Bicycle Show is in Hartford, CT this year.  February 16-18.  Seems like a fairly inspired choice, about three hours by bus from New York City, and about two hours by bus from Boston.  As the Northeastern United States is the most densely populated area of the country, there should be plenty of cyclists who want to geek out over fine lugwork.

Perhaps fittingly, the sponsors of the event are largely suppliers to those builders and their customer base.  They include: Boyd, Campagnolo, Columbus, FSA, Hed, Pedros, Shimano, Silca, and Titanium Joe.  The two exceptions are Enigma Bicycle Works and the Connecticut Cycling Advancement Program, the latter is their charitable partner, which will receive a portion of the show’s proceeds.

Here’s my take on it years ago:  https://2013/02/18/the-nahbs-yawn/

Get your tickets here.

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